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To access data about your learners, please do the following:

To get to the Gradebook, you may:

  1. Click in the “Gradebook Access” blue box on your “welcome screen”
  2. Or click “Gradebook” in upper right hand corner menu.

Clicking Gradebook will take you to something called “Group Administration,”
where you can:

  1. “List Users,” where you can review results of each individual learner in your group. (See below)
  2. “Export Progress,” where a .csv file (an Excel file) is downloaded to your computer. This file contains information about which modules have been completed.
  3. “Export Results,” where a .csv file (an Excel file) is downloaded to your computer. This file contains information about the results of each quiz throughout the course.

List Users

To view the individual results, click on “Report” after the person’s name, username, and email.