
Client Resources

Getting Started

Program launch materials—use to launch PDP throughout the organization, by department, or management levels.

Getting Started Guide
Getting Started for Projecting on Screen


eLearning—Courses are designed for managers, supervisors, team leads, ultimately anyone who works with people. Each targeted course is a “power application” in understanding the dynamics of human behavior.


The PDP Professional Certification equips key individuals of client organizations in how to apply PDP’s Integrated Management System in-house. Lessons include: PDP’s guiding principles, metrics and meaning of behaviors, interpreting ProScan reports, developing job model profiles for any position in the organization, interviewing and selecting the best people to “fit” positions, practicing skills in team planning, and enhancing communication.

The ProScan Mentor Certification  is intended for individuals within the organization who can teach based upon their own experiences, and who have an interest in developing and guiding others. They learn how to use PDP metrics to develop and leverage the talent of others within their organization.

Click here to eCampus

PDPworks User Resources

Approved Senders List: Instructions to help ensure receipt of PDPworks email. (See Approved Senders List in other languages below)

PDPworks User Resources

How-to Videos-Instructional videos for how to operate PDPworks 4.0

ProScan Survey Form: Professional 4-page form. Print double-sided, 11 x 17, and fold in half.

Quick Reference Card: Print double-sided, then fold in half for a quick reference to commonly-used PDPworks features.

简要操作手册—协助你能够浏览。请列印正面与背面,然后对折。 (SC)

簡要操作手冊—協助你能夠瀏覽。請列印正面與背面,然後對折。 (TC)

Research Reference: Published monograph, validation, and disparate impact studies; guidelines on how to conduct a in internal validation study.

User Guide: Step-by-step help and how-tos for your PDPworks account (PDF).

Video—Attracting and Hiring the Best: Prior to conducting the Attracting and Hiring the Best PowerApp, share this video with participants to communicate the JobScan job modeling and job matching processes.